Character details
Character name: Sex: Level:
Male 1000
Komentarz postaci Jeżdżę na garbie żółwia.
Description of the image
Świat: Fixera
Miasto: Rookgaard
Gildia: Przyglup of the Banda Debili (No debil no)
Character created:: 2020-08-26 09:58:44
Last seen: 2025-01-17 17:03:28
Status konta: Premium Account
Deaths history
Date: Level: By:
2024-01-29 19:02:54 890 a Bankjob Beagle, a Baggy Beagle, a Burger Beagle, a Bigtime Beagle, a Bugle Beagle
2024-01-23 22:11:25 887 a Bugle Beagle, a Burger Beagle, a Bouncer Beagle, a Babyface Beagle, a Bankjob Beagle
2024-01-20 14:51:28 887 a bonebeast
2023-11-07 23:42:58 774 a crystal spider
2023-04-19 19:07:12 469 a Grandpa Beagle
2023-02-13 19:38:15 436 a bonebeast
2022-02-11 18:42:21 371 Thalas
2022-01-08 17:17:06 350 a crystal spider
2022-01-01 00:48:17 347 a crystal spider, a chakoya windcaller
2021-11-11 15:08:42 282 a demon skeleton, a fire devil